by Brooke Romney | Mar 11, 2020 | Lifestyle, Relationships
A while back I was invited to a fabulous party with delicious food and lovely company. I looked forward to an afternoon of meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends. I have taught myself to be a pretty outgoing person, even though it has not always come...
by Brooke Romney | Mar 13, 2019 | Parenting
As most of you know, connection is a big deal to me. Partially because I have realized I am wired to need it more than others do, and partially because I moved around a lot as a young stay at home mom and was always in search of people who would walk with me through...
by Brooke Romney | Aug 29, 2018 | Education, Parenting, Teens
Maybe they were new, had a rough teacher, got in trouble, were put in the lowest reading group. Maybe they couldn’t remember a math fact, sat alone at lunch or got picked last at recess. Maybe they are weird or slow or shy or awkward. Maybe they wore the wrong...
by Brooke Romney | Feb 26, 2018 | Parenting, Relationships
Being honest is hard, but being honest about important things is the hardest. I’m not talking about the once every six months bare your soul Instagram post about struggling with perfectionism, the funny story about your “naughty” child, or the tell-all photo...
by Brooke Romney | May 4, 2017 | Relationships
I was overwhelmed by the love and support for my last article, It’s Time to Stop being Friendly and start being a Friend. My heart broke for a number of people who told me about their loneliness and how starved for friendship they feel. I was equally surprised...