A Parent’s Guide to the Highly Sensitive Child

I have a friend with a highly sensitive kiddo. When we were young moms, you could hear her crew coming from a mile away. And when it was time to go, you could hear them leaving from a mile away too. Her highly sensitive child is older now. He is still highly sensitive but with his mom’s help, he’s built a tool belt of skills to help him thrive in all sorts of situations. Mom has developed new skills too, greater patience and curiosity, and is truly enjoying this stage with her child. I wish I could have shared this resource from Parent From Heart with my friend years ago, which is why I’m sharing it with you now. The full (and free) guide to the highly sensitive child goes into their brains, shares ideas to help improve emotional regulation, parenting tips, and how to turn this sensitivity into a superpower. 

The Highly Sensitive Child

Is your child emotional, reactive, shy, empathic, cautious, and sensitive to sensory stimuli? If so, you may have a highly sensitive child.

Caitlin Van Wyk at Parent From Heart says, “Learning how to parent a highly sensitive child isn’t about teaching them how to be less sensitive. Rather, it’s about helping them understand how their brain works and giving them the tools to self-regulate and thrive, regardless of the situation.”

A highly sensitive child reacts to experiences deeply and will often be overly excited about small wins or have major meltdowns over seemingly insignificant things. The highly sensitive child will process information with incredible speed, remember things well, seek control, may be fearful and cautious, and leans toward perfectionism, heightened empathy, and greater self-consciousness. 

Helping Your Highly Sensitive Child Regulate Emotions

First, be aware. Slow down and be aware of your child’s emotions. Help them learn how they show and experience different emotions. Second, validate. Connect with your child. Even if you don’t understand why something is a big deal to them, get on their level and validate what they are feeling. Then, listen and help your child label their emotions. 

Tips for Parents of Highly Sensitive Children

Head over to Parent From Heart to learn all about how to create a calming space for your child, positive discipline, how to be curious instead of confrontational, how to set firm boundaries, and communicate even better. They’ve got the data and science to help you succeed as you parent your child at every age and stage!

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Do you have a highly sensitive person in your family? What has helped you the most? What advice do you have for other moms just getting started on this journey?
