If I had to list the 5 most important things I want my children to learn from me, hard work is in there…unfortunately, it is also incredibly difficult to teach. A few years ago, I found myself mostly working alone so I didn’t have to listen to the whining, complaining and fighting that always accompanied chores.
- I wish I would have made my boys work earlier. Little boys can help with lots of things, especially general picking up, washing dishes, and laundry. My 2 year old is the happiest helper and we have lots of great conversations about colors and matching over clean socks. I should have had all my kids help instead of wait until they were asleep or occupied before I started my cleaning. This started a bad expectation of, “Mom will do it.”
- I wish I would have made cleaning accessible to my little ones. It is so overwhelming for little guys to hear that they have to clean their WHOLE room or playroom all by themselves. Asking them to just put away the books or just pick up the dirty clothes and working with them makes things so much more simple for everyone involved. Step by step and specific instructions make big tasks seem small.
- I wish I would have had them make their bed as soon as they were old enough to sleep in one. Such a valuable habit and completely do-able.
- I wish I would have allowed them to try some of the harder chores and accepted their best effort as “good enough” instead of needing to do it over or not allowing them to give it a shot. I am much better at this now.
- I wish I would have been a better example about picking up the mess before leaving the room. My husband is awesome at this, and when he is around, everything just stays clean because he asks everyone to pick up what they have messed up. I am still trying!
- I wish I would have had everyone help keep the car clean. When my husband is driving the van, he asks everyone to bring in 2 things…one in each hand. So much more simple than the huge “car clean out” that we so often have to do and much less embarrassing when someone needs a ride. Working on this one too.
- I wish I would have had them clean up the outside mess on a daily basis. We love playing outside, but there is no reason for our backyard to be trashed…we have bins for balls and places for bikes. It only takes a second when we do it every day, and then our Saturday is so much more free.
- Make bed, pick up room (including any clean laundry on bed)
- Practice piano 15 minutes
- Practice keyboarding or extra math 10 minutes
- Homework
- Read scriptures 5 minutes
- Pick up all of your items around the house (done before bed)
I have decided against specific assigned chores. I really like our family to work together without people telling me “my stuff” is done or “that kid” got the easier job. If the garbage needs to be taken out, the closest boy gets that job. If the dishwasher needs to be unloaded, everyone helps. If company is coming, all hands on deck. If someone is bogged down with homework, they get the night off. This has mostly worked well for us, especially when we add a little music to the cleaning party. Our family being willing to help each other out is an important thing to my husband and me.

Brooke, i am totally smiling as i think about you and your cute boys with their chores. I miss all of our conversations about this "stuff". You are so great!!!
We have totally fallen off the chore bandwagon and our house is showing it. Thanks for the motivation to find something that works for our family as right now no one is taking responsibility for having a clean house.
Tanya, I totally should have had you write this post but your title would be, "How to keep your house perfectly clean at all times ;)." Love you for showing me that it is possible to keep things clean even with 3 little kids! You are amazing.
Samantha, it's like that, isn't it? We go from great and disciplined to horrible in just a few days.