Last year, I gave you over 60 ideas for electronic-free, great gifts for boys, and this year I am adding to that list with a few of our new favorites! If you need more than this, check out the list from last year here!
Here are a few new discoveries to keep your boys happy, excited and UNplugged this Christmas:

PLEY: This is an incredible new monthly concept for your Lego lover. Pley allows you to “rent” Lego sets. For a fixed price each month ($15-$39 depending on the complexity of the sets you check out) you can receive a Lego set, complete it, then ship it back and receive another one! Your first month is free, the shipping back and forth is always free and there is no limit to the amount of sets you can receive each month. The pieces are sanitized between users and if you lose a Lego or two there is no charge. This would make a fantastic family gift this year!

Young Scientist Club: My mother-in-law got this for my 8 year old and all of my boys absolutely love it! There are 3 main kits in each box with a total of 9 experiments. You have 12 different themes to choose from, each allowing your child to explore the world of science. The experiments are simple enough for my kids (11, 9, 8) to figure out on their own with a little help from me every now and then. Younger kids would be able use the kit with adult assistance. Everything you need is included in the kit except a few basic household items. Great, hands-on fun for winter break. We are so excited about this new discovery! ($26.99)

Tinker Crates: Tinker Crates are another fantastic, new way to explore science and engineering! Each month, your child receives a crate with all the necessary items to build things like trebuchets, electric currents and more! There is a perfect, monthly pick for ages 4-16 and it is a gift that keeps on giving, though you can cancel at any time. ($20 per month). Use the link above to receive $10 off your first crate!

The Green Machine: If you are looking for something to mix up your outdoor play, The Green Machine is the perfect Christmas morning surprise. Boys of all ages love zipping around and through the neighborhood on this inventive bike. It comes in 2 sizes with adjustable seats: 16 inch for kids ages 5-8 and 20 inch for kids 9 to adult or 150 pounds ($95-$115).

Sleds: Each year, we make sure we are stocked with a sled for everyone. Christmas is a great time to replenish your old ones. We have had awesome luck with this light and durable sled from rips or tears and it’s light enough for even the little ones to carry but fast enough for the big kids and even the adults. Highly recommended! ($29.99)

EZ Fort: If your kids love building forts or you are looking for a great indoor play option this Christmas, EZ Fort is your best bet! This cool kit allows kids to build forts, tents, play houses, obstacle courses, soccer goals, or anything their imagination can reach for! Let them create to their their hearts content without ruining your new couch and chairs in the process. Such a cool concept for our house full of boys! ($39.99)

HackToys Remote Control Car: We got this car for my 3 year old, but it is the coolest! All my boys loved it, and what we loved about it most was that it seems almost unbreakable. Way cooler and sturdier than the former R/C cars we have purchased, plus it does 360s goes up on two wheels and dances. The remote is super easy to figure out and control. Will light up the eyes of any boy on Christmas morning! ($26.99)

AFO Flyer: This is just a fun, Christmas morning toy that all the kids and adults can get in to. It’s an indoor/outdoor flying disc boomerang that gives you hours of fun. My boys like to try and race to catch it or play it “flies up” style. It is sturdy and keeps kids of all athletic abilities active. ($15.59)

Boogie Board: Technically this is an electronic, but it doesn’t plug you in to anything. These cool boogie boards are like a modern chalkboard, perfect for spelling word practice, doodling in church, and artistic mock ups, plus they come clean with the touch of a button! ($24.95)
Books: My boys still adore the Percy Jackson Series and the Michael Vey series, but if you are looking for a great book recommendation at your child’s reading level, click here to see great books for boys sorted by reading ability and interest level!

Ruckus: We love gifting games each year, and Ruckus is a family favorite. The pace moves quickly because you never have to wait for anyone to take a turn, so it keeps our whole family engaged. The rules are super simple but it is still fun for the adults. Ages 4 and up can play and even have a chance to win. This is an awesome family game! ($10.95)
Stocking Stuffers:
It is always tough to decide what to put in a stocking besides an orange and some underwear, but here are a few new ideas this year! If you are looking for more, check out last year’s ideas!

Crazy socks: Not sure if crazy socks for boys are all the rage where you are, but they certainly are here. Stance Socks get really funky and Red Lion socks are a little more tame but just as fun. A great option for a little boy wardrobe excitement.

Kendamas: These wooden toys have taken our city by storm. Boys and girls are loving the challenge of spiking the ball on the top and taking it around the world. A great little stocking item! ($12.99)

Digital Timer Bookmark: I LOVE this idea! This bookmark keeps track of your child’s reading time…brilliant! No more guessing or asking, “How much longer?” They also have a version with a reading light here. Can’t wait to start using ours!($8.99)

Wallets: What boy doesn’t love a wallet. An Awesome stocking stuffer, especially if it include a few crisp dollar bills! ($11.99)
What else have you loved?
Have littler boys? Check out the suggestions here!
To see if any of these items are in the Black Friday Ads, click here!

*I am part of the Amazon Affliliate program. If you like these suggestions, I would love it if you purchased them from my amazon links!