The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother was all the rage a few years ago  but is just as enlightening without all the hype.  I enjoy any book that makes me re-evaluate how I parent and this one certainly does. It’s a book that is hard to stop thinking about, and you will find yourself bringing it up in conversation with your spouse and girlfriends at every turn.
The story itself is a quick read and very engaging, honest, and thought provoking. It reads more like a memoir than a parenting book, so I really enjoyed that aspect. It will give you the courage to push your children a little more and more clearly understand what children are capable of when given the opportunity to be excellent. At the same time, it will allow you appreciate our western sense of freedom of expression and direction. The book will leave you feeling two contradictory feelings: 1. You can do much more as a parent and are doing a lot of things wrong, and 2. You are incredibly loving nurturing as a parent and are doing a lot of things right.
